Lees Park
Come one, come all! - register one or more players to join an existing team. Starts 13th of January 2025.
10-game season, $12 per game. 3 catch-up games if cancellations occur.
Monday nights
6:30pm & 7:30pm game times
Ashbury, 2193
Come one, come all! - register one or more players to join an existing team. Starts 13th of January 2025.
10-game season, $12 per game. 3 catch-up games if cancellations occur.
Monday nights
6:30pm & 7:30pm game times
Ashbury, 2193
Come one, come all! - register one or more players to join an existing team. Starts 13th of January 2025.
10-game season, $12 per game. 3 catch-up games if cancellations occur.
Monday nights
6:30pm & 7:30pm game times
Ashbury, 2193